"Eco-friendly"! Shuttles and Accomodations
If you don't have a vehicle or want to leave it behind (in Digby), you can come down to us in Tiverton with Kathleen's Shuttle and Tours.
Kathleen is running a special now through August 8th for only $10!! (each way, to Tiverton)
Digby now has a hostel!!
yeahhhh! ... we have often thought that Digby should have a hostel, but it takes real "passion" and committment to run one. I have travelled A LOT in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Caribbean etc. utilizing hostels (when i was a bachelor!, but my wife says she's willing to try a "private room" at a hostel some time). I actually used to have a hostel ... sort of! I did Bed & Breakfast at my place for 10 years when I started in 1986 and I offered hostel rates to hostelers passing through.