Lost in the fog!? ... sorry folks, I've been a little "lost in the fog" this summer to get to post on the blog.
It has been another foggy summer - this can't be "coincidence" any more, it must be "climate change" (?)
But we've had some awfully great ... and some very "LUCKY" trips (too). Some people want to try regardless of the conditions ... who are WE to say "no"!? ... Of course we would never take a "chance" on SAFETY.
When it is foggy and not too windy, we have an excellent chance of hearing the whales blowing (breathing), sometimes miles away. We work together with our colleagues and try to spread out our "effort", and "share" the whale(s) when found. But when it is windy (too) it is hard to hear them, especially with the boats bouncing up and down in the waves and/or slapping water all around the boat (making alot of noise). Sometimes it is just simply "being at the right place at the right time" .. but if you don't go, how can you be? ... "you can't win (the lottery) if you don't buy a ticket!"
Many, many people still want to try, regardless of the conditions and the big difference between US and the "other fellas" is that sooo many people say "it is worth it just for the zodiac ride!" ... there is a HUGE difference between the adventure and FUN ride out in the zodiac vs plowing around in a fishing boat with kids running around impatient, babies crying etc etc.
We've pulled a couple rabbits out of the hat with MOST boats canceling because of the conditions and we still saw whales. Once 3 humpbacks close to shore and last night we were "lucky" enough to find a juvenile humpback flipper slapping and breaching (over and over again). ... That's how we found it! ... Zodiac 2 captain Richie heard "slap ... slap ... slap" in the distance. We worked over in that direction and eventuallyl found the humpback flipper slapping ... it also started to breach over and over. watch for video to be posted on you-tube later this year.
we've added a few of our better shots on the 2009 flikr site and continue to put lots on the picassa site. (go to links page and photo gallery)
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